Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh winter time =)

Winter is one of the four seasons.
One might hate it,
but I like it for several reasons.
When it first begins to snow
all you see is everything covered up in white.
You can’t help but to be overwhelmed by the wonderful site.
When your outside with your friends,
there are endless possibilities of fun.
The only bad part is, when it is all done.
And when you get to cold n go inside
you can look forward to some hot cocoa.
Perfect time to sit back n reminisce on all the good times.
Laugh at all the "innocent" crimes committed,
winter is jus full with peace and tranquility
but I haven’t decide if it is my favorite reason just yet  ;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What a money saving sale -.-

         Globalization.... what is this globalization which you speak of? When I hear globalization I picture my old xbox game “civilization revolution” and I picture everyone trying to conquer everyone. To be more specific there was a technology which you learned called globalization so that is what I picture
But isn't the real meaning of globalization basically the same thing? Its about corporations trying to expand to various parts of the world hoping to become wealthier than they already are. In a way I guess globalization is good. It creates more jobs for unresourced countries. It lifts up the poverty rate and makes the economy become more prosperous.
         But it is also just as bad. People get cheated off what they should actually get paid. It is just a way for major corporations to cash in unprivileged people that don't know any better and are just try to their living. The big corporations make them labor just to be paid $4 an hour? That is horrific but like I stated earlier these people don't know better.
         Also big corporations put out of business small local businesses. Sure they provide lower prices but that means someone else loses their job and businesses. Some businesses that were passed down family lines and businesses people poured their heart out for. Simply to be taken out of businesses by these marketing giants.
         In my opinion globalization is bad. Simply because it forces labor for easy money and it runs everyone else that surrounds them out of business. But who I am to speak, I myself go shop in these stores. Become excited at how much I saved. But for what cost child labor? Maybe we all should start changing this, its never to late...

Friday, December 3, 2010


                  Sports are more than sports to me. I know this is going to sound cheesy but they are a sort of a passion now. I grew up around sports and for the majority of my live have participated in them. Up to this point i can fully understand why their so great. I play a variety of sports, i may not be so great at them but hey ill do it for the heck of it.
              One sport that i really am fond of would be soccer. Like any typicall mexican i love soccer. I remember as a little kid i would enter that stadium and be so fascinated by everything. Even today i get the same exact feeling. Soccer is like my little own world now. Not only do i love playing in the sport but i use as my escape from everything. When i play soccer, all worries and stress become omitted. Its like everything else didnt execist besides my team and our opponents.
                Soccer has a become much more than a passion. Its inrooted in my blood. When i play soccer its like a whole new world. Its somewhere where i casn escape to, somewhere when i can do what i love.  Not only do i love playing soccer i love playing with my team. Because of soccer i wouldnt have the same friends. i always wonder what if i played football would i have the same friends? all i know is  i wouldnt be the same  
               Theres nothing better than being at a soccer game with the people you love. anticipaing the wave to come to you and getting up. The best feelin is that moment where the players shoot and everything becomes quite and you hear is...... GOOOOOOAAALLLLL!!!!! everyone around you screams, hi fives go everywhere and huggs to that one random creepy guy. But overall soprts serve as a scapegoat where i can go and release my stress.