Friday, October 8, 2010

Present day "God"

    God..... what comes to mind when one hears the word God?? is it simply a higher being with many “powers”? Or when you hear god you think of more than one? I think that the word God has many different meanings today.
       One big contributing factor to describe god comes from your culture. Like today for example the Christians all believe in just one god who shall come and save us blah blah blah.. In other cultures people believe in multiple gods. Such as the Indians believe in Allah and many multiple gods. So many people don't see him as all powerful now. Or they probably never did to begin with
         God to this day really presents no “power”anymore. Back then the puritans used to go according to the bible and avoided all malicious behavior. They shunned everyone who sinned and just tried to live according to “god's” word. Present day today it has no power. If you tell someone its wrongful in the eyes of gods the answer most likely will be a simple I don't care. They can say they are not religious or just simply not care enough because they god wont punish them(or so they think) so many skeptics are alive just as they were back then.
         Many people don't believe in a god anymore. The take the path that Candide has taken. They see if there is an actual god why would he let such wrongful actions be done? Why would he let honest people get mistreated and everything taken away? So as Candide is starting to do they doubt. They doubt that its true, but their doubt is based on experience.


  1. i don't think that people should doubt on experience. simply because they tend to ONLY look at the negative experiences. people say "oh why did u take away my mother...I've only had her for 40 years of my life..." least you HAD a mother...some people aren't fortunate enough for that. but...yet people doubt. I can't tell people WHAT to believe in...but i can say that people need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. we are the cause of things that happen in this world...god didn't put any of the decisions that we make into our heads. And plus...stuff happens...we ultimately can't really stop things from happening and that would be like messing with the order of things everywhere if "GOD" was to interrupt some bad occurrence every time it was about to happen. how many people get killed a day...? how many people do bad things to others a day...? how many people get raped...? not saying that all of these people put themselves into these situations...but "GOD" sure didn' if u can't blame him for the POSITIVE things...don't blame him or the lack of him/her for the NEGATIVE

  2. Woah, can you say something like "Such as the Indians believe in Allah and many multiple gods." ? First of all there is not one religion that all Indians practice. That's like saying everyone in the Germany has the same religion. India is one of the most pluralistic, diverse countries in the world. Four religions, that I know of, had their origins in India. Also, did you know that Christianity was in India before much of Europe?
    Second of all I don't know if there is ANYONE who believes in Allah and multiple gods. Your mixing Islam and probably Hinduism into one whole deal. They are totally different. I am not trying to bash you but what you said was just out of whack. Next time try to get your facts straight. :)

  3. Anil, you sir are making Alex cry.

  4. Many people lose their faith in God just because something terrible happened in their lives. But i think that God wasnt the reason for that horrible event but the reason that they have a chance to rebuild themselves from a terrible event.
