Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one??

     How do we determine that someone is “crazy”? How do we tell that one is socially unfit to live among others? Is it decided by their actions? IQ? Personality? When one pleads insanity how is one supposed to prove it?
            I think that a lot of people plead guilty just to escape their prison term and I believe this is an unjust way. In some cases yea some people are actually a little bit mentally unfit but I think the people that actually plead for it know what they are doing. The way they handle this I am guessing is really complicated and requires a lot of thought into it.
            Has anyone even met a “crazy” person? Does any one really know how a “crazy” person acts or how they interact with others? I am positively most people in the institutions already convicted or diagnosed are more normal than people out here in society. I actually do believe some are taken advantage of just as in the patients in the book.

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