Sunday, November 7, 2010


      Overall this class has a positive direction. The discussions during class keep me entertained. This class isn't what people would call a “blow off” class. All the assignments are not assignments you can go home and finish in 10 minutes. All of our work and assignment requires though and careful consideration. But not saying this class is perfect, no offense but this class has some flaws as well. During most of the discussions people are not participating
      I noticed during most class discussions many people are either dozing of in their own little world or doing other work. I feel like class discussions should be set up where everyone can participate. Well everyone can participate but they should start calling on those who either aren't on task or not paying attention. Everyone can benefit from class discussions and I believe we should make the best of it
        Another minor flaw is when we do discuss the class does tend to off on tangents on random stuff. We can go discussing the whole class periods but by the end the discussion has gone to an off topic subject. In these occasions sometimes most of the answers are not answered.
        But nonetheless this class is an essential and positive class. Not only do we learn to analyze something more thoroughly but we learn to think outside of the box.

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