Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To the prospective philosophy student

    Dear prospective philosophy student,        
           This year has been an interesting one. Full of up and downs but nonetheless you made it. You made it through this intellectual philosophy class and you have learned a lot from it. One thing I can really say I learned from was all the books. They expanded your knowledge to many things but one in particular is from Malcolm X. The book completely showed you the whole other side of the civil rights movement. These books showed you completely different topics that you wouldn’t learn of in our everyday common life
            The movies shown really made you question what things are in this world. Great examples are exit through the gift shop, food inc and the movie exposing the business leaders in today’s economy. These movies made you stop and think and think outside the box.
            So now that you are moving on and graduating it would be nice to thank Mr. McCarthy for this interesting and intellectual class. Class discussions were the best and most of the time the books we read were interesting. This class would seriously not be what it is and what it stands for without you.

Thoughts about earlier thinking…

Over my four years of high school my thinking has been drastically changed. I came from a predominantly Mexican neighborhood. I came in not knowing any interactions with no other race and yes I came with an ignorant little mind. As my high school life progressed my views were changed. I never thought about anything inside my neighborhood. I began to explore all over Chicago, new doors were opened and I meet a great variety of people.
            Now I see myself and someone that can interact with anyone. I see things from a more intellectual view. Obviously my knowledge and vocabulary was expanded but I began to think outside the box a lot more. From this class I learned that we only know what we are told. I learned that if I really want to know something see both sides. See any defections to anything and it’s always better to have more than one opinion on something.  You can say my thought have been enhanced but nonetheless we are young and still have a lot to learn about everything and our views will continue to change

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one??

     How do we determine that someone is “crazy”? How do we tell that one is socially unfit to live among others? Is it decided by their actions? IQ? Personality? When one pleads insanity how is one supposed to prove it?
            I think that a lot of people plead guilty just to escape their prison term and I believe this is an unjust way. In some cases yea some people are actually a little bit mentally unfit but I think the people that actually plead for it know what they are doing. The way they handle this I am guessing is really complicated and requires a lot of thought into it.
            Has anyone even met a “crazy” person? Does any one really know how a “crazy” person acts or how they interact with others? I am positively most people in the institutions already convicted or diagnosed are more normal than people out here in society. I actually do believe some are taken advantage of just as in the patients in the book.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Together is a strong emotional word. Together is one important word. Without this word many of us would be alone. I am the type of person that would prefer to be with other people instead of alone, I am considered to be an extraverted person. I would prefer to finish something with other people alone, together as a team. I feel more can accomplished with multiple points of views and multiple types of opinions so that an accurate and more precise solution can be reached.
            In history most of the things done by people are done together. People live together they work together and they survive together.  Many multiple crucial moments such as the civil rights movement was done together.  People fought against oppression together and triumphed together. I do think the saying two heads are better than one really applies to anything. Overall we wouldn’t be the people that we are today if we did not work together.      
            I am sure many can disagree because there are some certain cases where it is better do be done alone. Such as a write something important, study or something that requires a lot of thinking. Big important decisions actions and objectives are done together though.


         Loneliness can be the most crucial and devastating feeling to a human being. People become used to spending time with others or being with a significant other. They become used to having someone by their side and when no one is there that’s when  loneliness creeps up. People begin to overthink certain things they tend to becom afflicted with sorrow and overall it’s a bad feeling.  Being lonely can sometimes be good though. Some people prefer to be alone in certain situations. I know when I get home I like to be alone and eat all by myself no noice, no distractions no problems just me and my food. Other people prefer to solve their conflicts alone. They like to take time to themselves to think about everything and have no one affect their decision

Friday, May 13, 2011

SAVE the Earth. Do this!! :)

The one and most basic idea everyone has about saving the earth is being green. Ideally yea this is how to save the earth but most people do not stay committed. Most people will be “green” for about a week or two then after that will become lazy and stop. If we had more committed people then yea we might actually make a difference. If people worldwide would change and start recycling and change from fossil fuel energy to renewable energy, it would make a vast difference. Everyone should start recycling and buying eco friendly products. But the main point into actually making a difference is determination


Invisible? What is the exact definition of being invisible? Can it be from a literal point where you are completely invisible and no one can see you?  Or is it simply when you feel invisible because no seems to pay attention?
Many people these days can justify their invisibility due to lack of attention to anything you do. Being invisible can be another form of being shunned. Everyone around you ignoring you not taking your opinion or what you say into consideration. Everyone at some point in their life feel like this. Some people feel like this at some point in their life but some people tend to dwell on it. Anyone can get their point across as long as you are really determined to
As long as one sounds confident and knows what their talking about anyone will listen. Some people just really need to step out of their shy little shadow and speak up. For example the invisible man felt invisible simply due to his race. He felt everyone around him didn’t even care about his views. He could of simply step out and speak just like he did in the eviction scene. People everywhere can feel invisible but if you remain feeling like that then you know you’re doing wrong

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Books?? Read? WHAAA!

        I can say i have a read a good variety books so far. The ones that interest me the most of course were the ones that i was forced to read for school. However there was one that i read and i enjoyed reading. That book was The autobiography of Malcolm X. (okay yes we read it in this class but I saw this book as one that many should read because it shows a side that many of us do not know)
       Malcolm X opened up a whole another side of the Civil Rights movement i was not aware of. In my history classes they always taught us about Dr. King whenever the Civil Rights movement was brought up. They might of mentioned Malcolm but it was briefly. They only stated that was on the opposite side of Dr.King preaching violence. But if you read this book you shall see a whole another side. Malcolm did not preach violence he said if  you get hit then hit back. Self defense not acts of violence to resolve things. I never learned or heard about his separation ideals. How he turned to a whole another religion.
     This book really made me think and made me aware that we only know what we are taught. And we are taught only the things that they want to teach us. Malcolm X was considered outrages for his ideals but in my view Malcolm was an intelligent and wise leader that wash harshly betrayed by the man he looked up to as his "god". You guys know about this book HOPEFULLY you guys do. But i strongly believe this a book everyone has to read

A great movie

            In todays modern technological world there are a variety of movies that are either good or really bad.  Todays blog is movie review. My movie will be Vantage Point
    Vantage point is one of those types of movies that requires thought into it. The basic overview of the movie is that the US president is killed while on a trip to Spain. There are 8 different stories and there stories are told. It starts from the beginning explaining the scene and what happened then one new vantage point is shown revealing major details. This movie kept me interested throughout the whole film. They reveal new info and then when you think you know the answer to who the killer was a new point changes everything. This movie is one of those government running and shooting type of movie. If you guys wanna watch a film that will keep you interested in solving who the murder is then i suggest you watch this movie. OHH did i mention it the movie takes place in Spain :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We have the right... wait do we???

            Today under our prestigious famous respected marvelous government we have multiple rights. Heck when they started this country they made a whole list consisting of ten of them. These rights are to be brought on for everyone. And retaining or denying people of the United States from these rights is considered a crime. A crime punishable by great means.
              So they gives us rights but at the same time they restrict what we can do. Hmmm how does that work out?? They say we have freedom of speech yet they can censor some things we say? They say we have the right to bare arms, yet there are over a million of laws saying we cant? They say we cant be under unreasonable search and seizures yet the cops can do whatever they want?
             But honestly speaking we do hold more rights than any countries. Well thats what i was shown. But then again they only teach us what they want to. These blogs get more and more vague each time how about maybe you can hint to us what they are supposed to be so we can write about them please. so lets end this blog with a big oh TA DA!

Dear Mr. McCarthy

Happy Birthday!!!
or should i say feliz cumpleanos
i would sing you the happy birthday song in spanish but you wouldnt get it :)
so ill leave with saying feliz sapo verde to you

p.s i really wanna know how old you are

Friday, February 25, 2011

X is known...

     Yet another title that can mean multiple things. I feel like these blogs should get more specific but then again that wouldn't be the point of this class.
        So X is known huh? Lets see i take this as the last name X is known. Especially in the nation of Islam. X is to replace one of the members slave name. It is supposed to represent the separation from the white one. Its supposed to show one's independence from its master.
        Then again there is only person that most of us are familiar and of course its none other than the Malcolm X. But the book provides multiple examples that many were not familiar with it. When i first saw that other people changed their last name to x i found to be dumbfounded. I honestly did not know other people did what Malcolm did. Call me naive but its true.
          This book showed me multiple facts that i was not aware of. This book opened up a whole another to me. Hmmm maybe Malcolm's theory of history is right. They only show you what “they” want to show you. But nonetheless no one knows who set up the system. Malcolm rejected this system and I agree with him in this aspect.

Friday, February 18, 2011

X marks the spot

       X marks the spot for multiple objections. It can just be a simple x on a map marking some point of interest. It can somewhere forbidden or somewhere already checked. The x can mean whatever you make it can be of whatever value one chooses to put on it.
       For me the x makes me reminisce on my childhood. When i was little i used to love hunting for treasure. I always dreamed of actually finding a map with directions to something. i remember watching spongebob episode where they find a map with a huge x on it. Then they go on an expedition to find the treasure. After this episode came my first treasure hunting adventure. me and cousin made a map of just random directions and see would that take us.
       We ended right on the corner of our street looking at nothing. I remember after this we were disappointed but at least we got the joy of actually going and looking for something. The x can represent many things. For me its an explosion of childhood memories

Monday, February 14, 2011

Music in my life

There are many talented artists these days but I will choose one in particular. This artist goes by the Immortal technique. I decided to choose this because most of his songs actually have a meaning. Most of his lyrics are about the struggle many people experience
Immortal technique is an underground artist. He clearly speaks his thoughts and perceptions of multiple subjects through his song. Immortal technique is a Latino rapper and he makes his songs about the struggle back in the communities. Many people can relate to his songs they can agree with some of what he says or what he describes. He has a point when he makes a song and it is not like current day rappers which just “sing” about anything.
His words have an impact on me. I clearly remember the day I was introduced to Immortal Technique’s music. As a listened I knew right away he had a way with words. I carefully listened to his song and from there on I decided to explore and learn more about his music. If you guys haven’t listened to him you should him a chance and let me know what you guys think. Hopefully you guys can enjoy some of his music.

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Does it really mean something???

I know this means something…. Hmmm this can have multiple meanings. This can be a blog where we go on talking about life and it’s meaning blah blah blah. But I have to decide to write about the meaning of these blogs.
I think these blogs are designed to so that we can stop and reflect upon ourselves. Take time of our hands and express our feelings about certain topics. I think through blogs one can get to know someone else so much better.
Blogs are based on our opinions and views. It’s our own personal judgment of things. Or blogs can just be something used by Mr. McCarthy to annoy us. Either way this blogs are useful to us whether we favor it or not. I personally don’t like these blogs but as soon as a start writing one I find myself writing and writing and writing. These blogs do get interesting and I feel they are a good way to stop and force a self examination.